Translation of J. D. Gergonne's Varities, Essai de dialectique rationelle (Essay about rational dielectic)
Inspired by Aris Makrides on, I've decided to translate an old French paper by Joseph Diaz Gergonne, relating to logic. The paper is significant for being one of the earliest uses of the symbols ⊂ and ⊃ (which were written as C and Ɔ). Below you'll find the draft translation, which I may or may not revisit. I was able to finish the translation in one month by translating about 1 hour per day (to a rough draft). Thanks to Calvin Khor, the typesetting for this translation is now much improved. I'll still leave the original LaTeX file here for anyone to tinker with as they see fit. Some notes on terminology. The most significant choice I had to make was how to translate étendue , which is defined by Larousse as dimension de quelque chose considéré dans l'espace qu'il occupe (dimension of something considered in the space which it occupies). Direct translations might include extensiveness , or extent ; I fo...